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Issues and Investigations

Genetic Variants Linked To Severe Covid-19: Study

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Scientists said  they had identified genetic variants that made patients more likely to develop severe Covid-19, in a breakthrough that could see new and existing drugs help patients survive the illness. To determine why some people develop severe lung inflammation when sick with Covid-19, researchers analysed mutations on the genomes ...

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Dr Fauci Warns that Early COVID-19 Vaccines Will Only Prevent Symptoms From Arising – Not Block Infection

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Dr Anthony Fauci has cautioned that early COVID-19 vaccines will be focused on preventing symptoms of the virus, not blocking it altogether. Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, made the point on Monday as at least four vaccine candidates near the end of clinical trials and the US reported a record number ...

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Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine Shows An Average 70% Effectiveness In Preventing The Virus


British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca said Monday an interim analysis of clinical trials showed its coronavirus vaccine has an average efficacy of 70% in protecting against the virus. It comes after a string of encouraging vaccine results in recent weeks, following late-stage trial readouts from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Pfizer and Moderna reported preliminary results showing that ...

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