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Unveiling Lebanon’s Media Landscape: Navigating Legislation and Technological Evolution (A case study of Lebanon)

حسان فلحة

Dr. Hassan Falha, General Director of the Ministry of Information, wrote: The evolution of media is objectively intertwined with the legislation governing its operation and overseeing its performance according to legal and regulatory texts. The reciprocal relationship between legislation and media work becomes evident through the effectiveness of the tasks ...

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Makary Discusses Bilateral Ties With Chilean Ambassador

المكاري سفير التشيلي

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, on Monday welcomed at his ministry office, Chilean Ambassador to Lebanon, Mauricio Belabo, accompanied by a delegation of Lebanese origin. Discussions reportedly touched on the general situation and the rapprochement between the Lebanese and Chilean peoples, and the possibility of signing a cooperation agreement between ...

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Makary Meets Moroccan Ambassador

المكاري سفير المغرب

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, welcomed at his ministry office Morocco’s Ambassador to Lebanon, Mhammed Grine, whom he met at his ministry office on Monday. “The meeting with the Information Minister comes within the framework of the periodic meetings we hold with the different Lebanese officials in order to ...

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