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Makary Meets with President of Italian-Arab Friendship Association

المكاري رئيس جمعية الصداقة الايطالية-العربية فرنكو عبدالقادر عميش

Caretaker Information Minister, Ziad Makary, met with Franco Abdelkader, President of the Italian-Arab Friendship Association, with whom he discuss the general situation and shared Lebanese-Italian interests. During the meeting, Abdelkader praised the role of public media in Lebanon during this critical period, highlighting the sacrifices made to overcome the crisis ...

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Makary Meets with Students of National Development High School: Incorporate Social Communication as Subject for Students from Early Age


Students at the National Development High School in Furn Al Chebbak organized a lecture titled “Happiness and the Role of Media”, in the presence of Minister of Information, Ziad Makary. The Mayor of Furn Al Chebbak, Raymond Semaan, and members of the educational staff and students attended. Minister Makary addressed ...

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Fossil Viruses Hidden in Our DNA Thousands of Years Ago Could Be the Cause of Depression


Ancient DNA present in humans may be linked to major psychiatric disorders like depression, researchers have said. DNA sequences originating from ancient infections are found in the brain, with some contributing to susceptibility for conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression, a study found.  About 8% of the genome (the complete set of DNA) is made ...

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Makary Meets World Lebanese Cultural University Delegation

المكاري وفد الجامعة الثقافية في العالم

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, met, at his ministry office with President of World Lebanese Cultural University (WLCU), Roger Hani, accompanied by First Deputy Secretary-General Christian Nasr, and Council member Elie Kassab. Nasr said after the meeting: “In every visit we make to Beirut each year, we see it ...

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Wronecka Pays Makary Farewll Visit

المكاري فرونتسكا

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, met with UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, who came on a farewell visit. The pair discussed the current situation in Lebanon and the broader region, in addition to the Syrian displaced file, Gaza war, and the presidential file. NNA  

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Makary Inaugurates Works Of “Sixth Conference on Libraries and Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage” at ESCWA

المكاري مؤتمر المكتبات الاسكوا

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary inaugurated at the ESCWA headquarters in downtown Beirut, the “Sixth Conference on Libraries and Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage,” at the invitation of the Lebanese Library Association, and in partnership with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the International Federation ...

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