Home / Last News / Makary: Cabinet Rejected Laws on Rents and Schools, Awaits Defense Minister’s Response on Chief of Staff Appointment
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Makary: Cabinet Rejected Laws on Rents and Schools, Awaits Defense Minister’s Response on Chief of Staff Appointment

In the wake of the cabinet session, Caretaker Information Minister, Ziad Makary stated that “three laws related to rents and schools have been rejected, and the agenda concerning the Chief of Staff was not raised.”

Makary further clarified that “Prime Minister Mikati is awaiting a response from the Minister of Defense regarding the appointment of a new Chief of Staff, and the matters are not complicated at this point.”

Regarding the waste management issue, Makary affirmed that “some items were approved, while others were deferred for further consideration.”

As for the crude oil matter, the Information Minister announced that “the clauses requiring amendments have been addressed.”


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