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Berri Calls For Extraordinary Session To Reconsider Expatriates’ Rightful Return To Lebanon

Speaker of the Parliament, Nabih Berri, called on the government to hold an “exceptional session at the soonest possible, in order to reconsider the issue of Lebanese expatriates who face the threat of a pandemic in their countries of residence all over the world, some of which lacking hospitals and the most basic health care services.”

Berri criticized the cabinet for acting contrary to all the countries of the world, with regard to the choice of repatriating its sons who live abroad. “All these countries are seeking after their citizens to bring them back to their countries. As for us in Lebanon, we have forgotten that these people were originally pushed by the neglect of the State towards leaving the country, and yet they still enriched it with their love, loyalty, and the fruit of their labor.”

“Was it not enough to try to waste, if not steal, their deposits through Capital Control? Is this an attempt to steal their nationalities?” he asked.


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