Home / Last News / Union Of Online Press Visits Makary, Urges Swift Approval Of Media Law
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Union Of Online Press Visits Makary, Urges Swift Approval Of Media Law

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, received a delegation representing the Union of Online Press Websites in his office at the ministry.

After the meeting, colleague Mohammed Nimer, speaking on behalf of the delegation, stated, “The visit primarily comes as a gesture to mark the New Year. We briefed the Minister of Information on the role of the union representing electronic press websites and their media status in the upcoming phase.”

Nimer pointed out that Minister Makary expressed concerns “regarding the possibility of not passing the media law with the feedback conveyed by the Ministry of Information.”

He emphasized the necessity of passing this law as soon as possible to protect journalists and media professionals, especially those working in online platforms.

“It is not acceptable to treat a journalist as a criminal and thus imprison them within the security apparatus without holding them accountable before the competent authority represented by the Press Court at the current stage until the enactment of the new law,” Nimer said.

He then stressed that the union “will continue to exert pressure until the approval of the media law,” urging the Parliament to expedite its discussion and approval.

Nimer also emphasized that this is a fundamental necessity to maintain Lebanon’s image and its media freedom.

He finally mentioned “significant support and encouragement on this matter from the Minister of Information with the aim of safeguarding journalists.”


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