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Information Minister: Agreement With French Embassy To Archive Data Of Tele-Liban, Radio Lebanon

زياد مكاري

Information Minister Ziad Makary revealed, in an interview with “Radio Lebanon” this morning, that a protocol agreement with the French embassy will be signed on April 5, 2022, to archive the data of both the Lebanese TV and Radio, promising that “all archives will be preserved electronically for the benefit of the Ministry of Information.” ...

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Minister Of Information Welcomes Iranian Cultural Advisor

مرتضوي مكاري

Minister of Information, Ziad Al-Makary, on Thursday welcomed Iranian cultural advisor, Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, with whom he discussed the general situation, as well as Lebanese-Iranian bilateral relations. The pair also discussed the possibility of reviving agreements in the field of media and activating joint cooperation. Following the meeting, Mortazavi said ...

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Information Minister Inspects Télé Liban In Hazmieh

المكاري tl الحازمية 1

Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, on Thursday inspected the Hazmieh-based Télé Liban building and toured all its departments. “I expected Télé Liban in Hazmieh would be in better conditions,” the Minister told reporters. “Neither Télé Liban nor the Information Ministry is poor,” he said. “We will try our best to ...

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Information Minister Meets Mahfouz, Kheir

مكاري خير

Minister of Information, Ziad Makari, met Tuesday at his ministry office with Head of the National Audio-Visual Council, Abdel Hadi Mahfouz, who came on an acquaintance visit. The pair discussed an array of media-related affairs.   Makari later received Secretary General of the Higher Relief Committee, Major General Mohammad Kheir, ...

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‘The Real Thing’: Delta-Omicron Hybrid Identified For First Time

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A newly-discovered Covid variant that combines mutations from both Omicron and Delta is “the real thing,” scientists have said. Earlier in the year, concern was raised after a lab in Cyprus claimed to have found evidence of a Delta-Omicron recombination event – when the two variants co-infect a patient and exchange genetic material to produce a new viral ...

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